Cooled Radiofrequency Treatment In Delhi for Chronic Knee and Sacroiliac Joint Pain

Cooled Radiofrequency treatment has recently become available in New Delhi, India. It is an alternative for those suffering from chronic knee pain secondary to various reasons such as osteoarthritis, degenerative joint disease and persisting pain after knee replacement. It offers a safe, effective non surgical, minimally invasive alternative to knee replacement for patients who are either Not keen on surgery or Not fit for surgery due to other medical problems or Have persisting pain after knee replacement. This procedure can also be used for sacroiliac joint pain as in patients with ankylosing spondylitis and for low back pain secondary to facet joint arthritis. It is a day care procedure performed under local anaesthesia with no requirement for hospital stay or prolonged rehabilitation. Normal activities can generally be resumed soon after the procedure with little or no recovery time. Less pain can lead to improved functionality and reduced medication requirements....